
Butler Databases for Community Science Users at the RSP#


Describes the database infrastructure that supports end-user access to Butler metadata via the Rubin Science Platform.


Rubin’s Data Butler stores data files and the metadata associated with them. The Butler is involved in most end user access to image data products via the Rubin Science Platform – sometimes directly, and sometimes as a source of data for other services.

There are several different Butler repositories that will be made available to users over the next few years. This document discusses the databases that host the metadata associated with the Butler repositories. Note that these metadata databases are separate from the data files themselves – the system used to store the actual image data is not discussed here.

This document discusses only the Butler databases for end users on the Rubin Science Platform. Not included in this document are:

  • Butler databases used internally by the project team, except where public-facing databases are derived from the internal databases.

  • Butler databases hosted by other institutions (which may contain the same data as the databases described here.)

  • The filesystem containing the image data (“datastore” in Butler jargon).

Taxonomy of Butler databases#

There are multiple databases containing Butler metadata, spread between the USDF at SLAC and the IDF at Google Cloud. Not all of these databases are configured in the same way, and the next few sections discuss the ways in which they vary.

Database access method#

There are two primary methods of accessing Butler metadata, shown in the table below. These two access methods use two different database schemas.

Access Method


Butler library

Butler Registry

IVOA TAP service


Confusingly, these two schemas sometimes co-exist in the same database and sometimes are deployed separately. Some considerations for how these databases are configured for each deployment are described below.

Registry (supports Butler library)#

The Registry schema supports access to Butler data via the Butler library and pipelines framework. It tracks the data files generated by the telescope and science pipelines, along with metadata allowing searches for files of interest.

A Registry database can be hosted using either Postgres or SQLite. Large-scale shared repositories are hosted using Postgres, while SQLite is used for smaller personal repositories.

ObsCore (supports TAP)#

ObsCore is an IVOA standard defining a set of observation metadata and a protocol for accessing it. The metadata for some Butler dataset types in the Registry can be presented as an ObsCore table.

We currently have two ways to host ObsCore data derived from Butler metadata:

  • Loaded into QServ alongside the LSST catalogs.

  • Co-located in the same Postgres database as the Butler Registry, in a separate table.

In both of these cases, end users access the data via a TAP service, hosted in the Rubin Science Platform.


ObsCore via QServ is used for the annual data releases, because QServ provides a spatially partitioned, scalable cluster of database instances. When the data release is made, a script is used to convert metadata from the Butler Registry database into a format that can be ingested by QServ.

QServ is not well-suited for dynamically updated data, so this setup is only used for static data releases.

Co-located with Registry DB#

The ObsCore table can also be hosted in Postgres, sharing a database with the Butler Registry. The Butler library can be configured with an “ObsCore Manager” that maintains an ObsCore table containing information about datasets in the Registry. As datasets are added through the usual Butler methods for updating the Registry, the ObsCore table is updated simultaneously.

Update modes#

Different Butler repositories are updated at different cadences. This affects:

  • How data is loaded into the database

  • How aggressively data can be cached by consumers

  • Which databases can be used

Repositories may be entirely static, batch updated on a regular schedule, or updated continuously as changes are made.


Data releases are generated in full before release to the public, and are not changed after they are created. This allows flexibility in hosting their databases, because a separate public-facing database can be created by bulk-loading a copy of the data.

For these databases, the Registry data will be hosted in Postgres via Google Cloud SQL at the IDF. ObsCore data will be hosted in QServ at the USDF.

Because the data is not changed after it is deployed, Butler server can aggressively cache frequently used tables and we can deploy multiple read replicas to scale the database load.

See below for more information about this configuration for Data Preview 1 and subsequent data releases.

Batch update#

The prompt data products repository will be updated nightly as new data is released from embargo. A script copies data from the internal embargo repository to a separate public repository.

Because the data is updated in predictable ways at predictable times, the Butler server can still aggressively cache data as long as we invalidate the caches after the batch update.

There are technical limitations with both available methods for hosting ObsCore that makes it difficult to host a frequently-changing ObsCore database:

  • QServ is not designed for dynamic updates, so it cannot host ObsCore for a changing repository.

  • For spatial indexing in Postgres, the ObsCore manager uses the pg_sphere Postgres extension. This extension is not available in Google Cloud SQL, and it is unlikely to be supported in the future because it has few users outside of astronomy.

Consequently, we can currently only host a batch-updated ObsCore database in a Postgres deployment at USDF, where we have control over the extensions available. (We could also host a custom Postgres deployment at Google using a virtual machine or Kubernetes, but the Butler team lacks a database administrator to manage this setup.)

Online, immediate update#

Internal Butler databases used by the Rubin project team are updated constantly as new data arrives from the summit and as pipeline processing finishes. The Butler library is used to perform these updates.

We do not currently plan to use this update mode to serve data generated by the Rubin project to end-users.

However, there is a requirement that we provide hosting for end users to share data products that they have created. For Data Preview 0.2 we allow end-users to write directly into the Registry database, with changes immediately visible to other users.

Metadata Schema (“Dimension Universe”)#

Each Butler repository has a “Dimension Universe” defining the metadata values that can be stored in the database, and the relationships between those values.

This “Dimension Universe” is tightly coupled to the science pipelines that generate the data products tracked by the Butler. It changes over time as the pipelines evolve. As a result, different repositories will have different universe versions. Data Release repositories will use the version that was current at the time the Data Release was made, while Prompt Data Products will usually use the newest version.

Butler database deployments#

The following diagram shows the databases that will exist in mid-2025 to support end user access to Butler data via the Rubin Science Platform:

System diagram

Although end users will primarily access the data through services deployed at the IDF in Google Cloud, the databases used by these services are split between USDF and IDF. There are separate databases for each Data Preview, each Data Release, and for Prompt Data Products. For each repository, there is a Registry database and an ObsCore database.

Data Preview 0.2#

  • Status: Deployed

  • Registry: Google Cloud SQL at IDF

  • ObsCore: QServ at USDF

  • Update mode: Static and online user-generated

Data Preview 0.2 contains data products simulating a portion of the LSST survey. It is hosted on the Rubin Science Platform to allow community science users to become familiar with LSST data products and the tools for accessing them.

The DP0.2 Butler Registry is hosted in Postgres via Google Cloud SQL. It tracks approximately 250 million datasets. The data was bulk-loaded using Postgres’s pg_restore utility, from a database backup generated using pg_dump on the database used to process the data at the USDF.

The DP0.2 data generated by the Rubin project is static, like future data releases. However, users are allowed to store information about their own user-generated products in the same Registry database containing the Data Preview data. There are no access controls and all changes are immediately visible to other users.

End users can access data in the Butler Registry using the Butler library, and there are several tutorial notebooks showing how to do this. This Butler Registry also backs other Rubin Science Platform services like vo-cutouts and datalinker, which access it indirectly through Butler server.

ObsCore is hosted in QServ at the USDF, sharing a database with the catalog portion of the Data Preview. The data was exported from the Butler registry using dax_obscore and ingested into QServ. This supports TAP queries through the Portal aspect, and can also be accessed using other IVOA-standard TAP tools.

Data Preview 1#

  • Status: Planned for 2025

  • Registry: Google Cloud SQL at IDF

  • ObsCore: QServ at USDF

  • Update mode: Static

Data Preview 1 contains data products derived from real on-sky images taken during the commissioning of the telescope.

Following the completion of data processing for Data Preview 1, a “curated” Registry database will be created at the USDF by the Campaign Management team. This registry contains a cleaned-up version of the science pipelines outputs with some intermediate datasets removed.

The public-facing version of the curated database will be hosted in Postgres via Google Cloud SQL at the IDF. As in Data Preview 0.2, the data will be transferred using pg_dump and pg_restore to make an independent copy of the database.

Similar to Data Preview 0.2, ObsCore will be hosted in QServ at the USDF, using data exported from the Registry using dax_obscore.

Future data releases#

  • Status: Planned for future

  • Registry: Google Cloud SQL or AlloyDB at IDF

  • ObsCore: QServ at USDF

  • Update mode: Static

The general pattern for future data releases will be similar to Data Preview 1: the Registry will be hosted using Google-managed databases at IDF, and ObsCore will be hosted in QServ at USDF. The databases for each data release are independent of the other data releases – they will likely have different dimension universes and thus incompatible database schemas.

Because future data releases will be larger and have many more users, a single node deployment of Postgres may not be sufficient to handle the load for the Registry database. We may use multiple Postgres instances as read replicas. We also plan to evaluate Google’s AlloyDB, which is a scalable Postgres-compatible database.

Prompt data products#

  • Status: Planned for 2025

  • Registry: Postgres at USDF

  • ObsCore: In same Postgres as Registry at USDF

  • Update mode: Batch

From the start of the survey, prompt data products will be released to the community. This will require Butler Registry and ObsCore databases to support the same search functionality provided for the data releases.

As data is released from embargo, it is copied from the embargo Butler repository to the public prompt data products repository using the transfer_embargo script. This update will run periodically – perhaps as often as once every 15 minutes.

Initially, we plan to host both the Registry and ObsCore databases together in a single Postgres database at the USDF. As discussed above, we do not currently have a way to host ObsCore for this deployment anywhere but the USDF. We also do not currently have a way to maintain an ObsCore table separate from the Registry, so it is expedient to have these databases together at USDF.

A VPN or SSH tunnel to the services using this database at the IDF will secure the connection to the database.

As the database grows, we may split the Registry database from the ObsCore database and move the Registry database to IDF. This will reduce the round-trip time for services using the Butler, and let us use the same Google database hosting used for the data releases. Because the ObsCore table includes access URLs that require the Registry to resolve (via datalinker), we must ensure that the Registry is updated before the ObsCore table is updated.

User-generated data#

  • Status: Not yet designed

  • Registry: To be decided

  • ObsCore: N/A

  • Update mode: To be decided

There is a requirement that we provide a service allowing users to share their own user-generated data products with each other, allowing them to access it with the same tools used to access the data generated by the Rubin project.

There is currently an assumption that one aspect of this will be a user-writeable Butler repository. This assumption is based on a few details of the current design of the system:

  1. The science pipelines framework requires data to be stored in a Butler repository, in order to find/load it for pipeline execution and store the outputs.

  2. Many of the file types associated with the data releases are difficult to load without going through the Butler.

  3. Several end-user-facing services use the Butler as a backend, and it would be useful to allow these services to consume user-generated data.

It is not yet clear how to host the Registry database for user-generated data, but there are a few rough theories:

  • It could be hosted in the same database as the project-generated data release.

  • It could be hosted in a separate Postgres database or databases.

  • Users could store a working copy of their data in a local SQLite database, with a way to push it to a shared central Postgres database in a batch.

All of these potential solutions have significant problems.

Same database as data release#

There is one major advantage to allowing users to store data in the same Registry database as the project-generated data releases. It drastically simplifies the story for allowing users to run portions of the LSST science pipelines with their own data. They could easily run pipelines combining project-generated data with their own data, and write back the outputs to be used by other users.

This comes with a long list of downsides:

  • User modifications could impact our ability to reliably serve project-generated data. If the data release database was static, query performance could be tested, understood, and optimized in advance of its public availability. By allowing users to modify the database, we make the performance less predictable and may face an unexpected performance “cliff” as the database grows.

  • Intermixing frequently-changing user data with a multi-terabyte static dataset complicates maintenance:

    • Backups become more expensive and difficult due to the increased database size.

    • Database upgrades and schema migrations become more difficult, potentially requiring significant downtime due to the large database size. If the large, static portion of the database is separated from the changing portions, it could be migrated offline and switched when complete, instead of requiring downtime. At the largest Butler repository at the USDF this has become an issue already – we have a migration that has been pending for nearly a year due to the difficulty of completing it in an “online” environment.

  • There is additional complexity required in the user interactions with the framework, with namespaces required to segregate project-generated metadata from user-generated metadata in things like dataset type names, collections, and datasets.

  • The metadata that users want to track for their own data products may not map well to the project-defined dimension universe schema.

  • Tying user-generated data to a specific data release would make it harder to share data derived from multiple data releases (or prompt data products.)

  • The Butler library and pipeline framework depends on read-after-write consistency in the database. With database read replicas needed to scale the database service, read-after-write consistency is harder to provide.

  • Many pipeline runs are ephemeral, executed as part of experimentation or debugging. Over time the database would fill up with outputs from runs that are no longer of interest.

  • Performance details in the Butler internals often depend on the data being structured “correctly” (not too many different dataset types, collection chains not too long, etc.)

  • Each data release is only supported for 2-3 years, and taking down the data release would also take down the user-generated data.

Separate Postgres instance#

Segregating user-generated data from the project-generated data in a separate database would alleviate many of the potential issues described above:

  • The database would be smaller and easier to maintain.

  • Unexpected performance issues would not impact the critical function of serving project-generated data.

  • The lifetime of the user data is more easily separated from the data release cycle.

A number of the other issues mentioned above are not resolved just by separating the data release from the user data:

  • Users are still stuck with the dimension universe schema defined by the project.

  • We would still need namespacing to separate users from each other, and “work in progress” from “published data”.

  • With many users sharing the same database, scalability and the potential need for replication is still an issue.

Rather than a single shared Registry database, we could provide individual users/groups with their own databases. (This would likely be implemented as separate schemas in a shared server, rather than actual separate database instances per user.) This would alleviate the issues mentioned above, at the cost of increased operational complexity in creating and maintaining many individual databases.

There is one major problem with either of these approaches. The pipelines framework is not currently able to execute a run that combines data from multiple input databases. This would require that we either:

  • Build tooling to copy metadata for any needed inputs from the data release database into the user database.

  • Re-work the pipelines framework to eliminate this restriction.

Working copies in local SQLite databases#

Another approach would be for individual users to use private SQLite registry databases for work in progress, with a shared central server that they can publish data to in a batch.

SQLite databases are stored in a file on the file system. This has many of the advantages of the individual Postgres database approach described above, but gives users more flexibility because they can easily create as many databases as they need, share them like they would any other file, and remove them when they are no longer needed.

The downsides are:

  • On the Rubin Science Platform, users do not have access to local disk – there is only a network filesystem with a small quota (tens of gigabytes).

  • Tooling would be needed for copying inputs from the data release, and publishing results back to the shared user database.

  • No centralized maintenance is possible for schema updates – users are responsible for their own databases.

  • The local dimension universe would need to match the shared database in order to publish data.